
Congratulations! Jiangsu Senseit was awarded the title of Wuxi Specialized, Refined, Uniaue and New Smaland Medium sized Enterprise

2024-07-18 445

Jiangsu Senseit Eleactronic Technology Co, td. has been awarded the title of"specaized,Reined, Unioue and New smalland Medum sized Enterorise" in unicensed dites. Thisis a reconition ofour companys technicalcapabilties and innovation strength, and we are recognized as a 'specialzed, refined,disinctive,and innovative" technolgy and culturaleneroise. As specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprise focused onlibrary intelligence, we are always committed to providing customers with more efficient and inteligent solutionscontributing to the qreat development and prosperity of culture. After gaining recognition, the company will continue to prioritize innovation, further improve product and service qua ityand live up to the choices of every custome